Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Glimpse of My Online Work

A lot of my friends and relatives have been curious about my online work. So to save me time I did this email template below which I send to anyone who inquires. Anybody who replied back gets more details and the privilege of an interview.

I started my online job in 2008 when I resigned from Cosmo. God led us to where I set up my profile, took tests there and applied for jobs. I started with a 2 employers - 1 American and 1 Indian. Eventually I settled for one fulltime. From then there was no more stopping. For one, I enjoyed the convenience of working from home and of having control of my work time.

I did not shell out any money. is free. They earn from the 10% override which they charge to the employer. New projects are created every hour. We just need to remember that our competition is already worldwide. Some could go as low as $0.50/hour which really kills the oconomy.

Please visit my site at I only have part time assignments there because right now my fulltime work is outside of odesk already. It's with Our clients are Christians and faith-based organizations. They pay me through paypal on a monthly basis.

I have been promoting online job to my family and friends. It really gives one the convenience of working at your own time and place.

There are lots of industries that you can work in the internet. Mine is in search engine marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization and all around online work. Try to see which niche your skills fit best. Then start from there. What is important is you start with what you know. 

One last thing, everything was and is really great favor from God.  This did not fall into my lap without my knees bent. 

Please connect with me through Facebook so I can help you more.

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