Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Wisdom of a Memory

When we forget things we tend to feel dejected. We tend to lose hope and courage. No matter how hard we try to remember, the past just seem to be dark. They just seem to be out of reach, so out of touch. And so we despair. We lament. Some even tend to be a slave trying to remember the good old days to be point of torment. But as in every situation, there is hope. We call upon wisdom to comfort us. When we feel hopeless trying to recollect the past, wisdom comes flying with a big smile and twinkling eyes. She does not need to be clothed in splendour for she tend to just come from nowhere but in perfect timing.  In Lamentations 3:21 Jeremiah says "This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope." While we tend to forget things, those which we remember give us hope. When we use our memory more wisely, we could use it in time of sorrow to be our comfort. God does not need to create new things to restore believers to joy for these are already ever present in our midst. All we need to do is just dig deep into our memories, find enlightenment in what we presently have, bring everything to God, then there would be a glorious shining of lights surrounding us. Let us continue to recall the great things that we so cherished and we will always be happy. We may not forget those dark and unwanted memories but if we see the lessons from it, they too will shine our todays and tomorrows. Let us be comforted with what we have today together with the beautiful memories of what used to be. Then our days will be bright and sunny and filled with joy.

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