Saturday, April 17, 2010

22 Blissful Years

Yesterday was a glorious day as my dh and I celebrated our 22nd church wedding anniversary. This year was a bit different. Here is why:

a. I did not remind dh about the date until about mid-morning when i was already 100% sure that he had forgotten. He is the kind of guy who is bad at dates (birthdays, anniversaries and the like). But deep in my heart I was consoling myself that maybe he prepared something and wanted to surprise me. Fingers crossed. I know the chances was very nill. But still I hoped for it. Can't blame me. I still have the tendency to be a hopeless romantic.

So I did not remind him days ahead. When I woke up yesterday morning, I also did not greet him. Still hoping he remembered.

Well, somehow, I must give up :-) lest the day pass just me knowing about it.

So I just asked him "Do you know what date today is?" and presto! he said his usual get-away dialogue "of course, dear! how can i forget? today is our anniversary". See? That is how he handles his amnesia lol.

2. We usually have a dinner by ourselves. Last year we went to Racks at the Mall of Asia where we ate baby jack ribs. We paid more than I wanted to but I just consoled myself that it's our anniversary so this dinner is not ordinary.

Why didn't we had our usual dinner? Well, we had an emergency trip to his aunt's house for a death anniversary service for his cousin who died of dengue three years past. He was the instant preacher (he tends to preach longer than usual when he is not prepared).

We were already stuffed when we got home by half past 5 in the afternoon. Just in time for a quick rest before heading back to town to listen to the Candidates Forum.

Nikka, Jae and Keanny wanted us to go get our dinner date but we just wanted to lay down and talk. They offered to buy us some dessert (leche flan was my choice) but there were nowhere to buy that stuff lol. In the end, they just joined us in bed cuddling each other.

3. I forgot to send out a test about our anniversary. This year, I posted it in facebook where I got lots of encouraging greetings from friends near and afar.

It is indeed a blessing to last this long. I am a virtual assistant and one of my current assignments is promoting a site for blending families. It saddens me that a bug percentage of marriages in the US end in divorce and remarriage. Children are caught up in the chaos of adults trying to control their mess. But while others are messing up, God is still sovereign and use other marriages to encourage if not save others.

So, actually I am blogging this special day because I want to be able to read and remember the day and the events years from now. I wish I had take our picture yesterday so I can post it here. DH is off to Maasin City for their annual Pastor's Retreat from today until Monday. then to the Annual Conference in Session of the South Western Leyte Conference from Monday - Weds. So I guess I will just have to take our picture on weds when he comes home.

For now, I need to go back to work as a Virtual Assistant.

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